
8,350 private candidates sit first-ever computer-based WASSCE series

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The West African Examination Council (WAEC) has initiated its inaugural West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) for private candidates utilizing the computer-based test (CBT).

This marked shift comes after the council decided to implement CBT for all its examinations last November.

The council clarified that objective tests would be entirely computer-based, while essay and practical papers would follow a hybrid format, with questions displayed on screens and answers transcribed into paper booklets.

Commencing on January 31 and slated to conclude on February 17, this groundbreaking examination series aims to revolutionize the assessment process for 8,350 private candidates.

During a recent monitoring exercise, Amos Dangut, the Head of WAEC’s Nigeria Office, emphasized that the adoption of CBT is a strategic move to curb examination malpractice.

Dangut explained that the new format eradicates the traditional avenue of question leakage, where supervisors could exploit vulnerabilities in the transportation of examination papers.

“With the introduction of this CBT, the issue of candidates having foreknowledge before the commencement of the examination will largely have been eliminated. It can no longer be business as usual,” Dangut affirmed.

He further highlighted the stringent measures in place to prevent malpractice, including the separation of candidates with cubicles and the simultaneous examination of different subjects to deter collusion.

The number of candidates has seen a notable increase, with over 8,350 individuals participating in the examination.

Dangut attributed this rise to the provision for ‘walk-in’ candidates, who can register up to 24 hours before their scheduled examination.

Addressing concerns about power outages, Dangut assured that the council has implemented two alternative power supply solutions.

Additionally, the adoption of an intranet for examination conduct further ensures a seamless and secure testing environment.

Anticipating the release of results, Dangut stated that candidates can expect their scores 45 days after the conclusion of the last paper, marking the culmination of this groundbreaking CBT-driven WASSCE series.

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