
Africa's Education News Source

African countries with the best education system

Education plays a crucial role in personal development, societal progress, and economic growth. It equips individuals with essential knowledge and skills to navigate the world, pursue their aspirations, and contribute to their communities. Education fosters critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, creativity, and communication skills. Africa is on a journey and these countries are making waves already by leveraging the power of education.
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“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” This quote by Nelson Mandela is one of the most famous sayings on the value of education. Education is essential because it is a form of human capital investment that is invaluable and implacable in the sense that education is timeless. This has enormous implications on a variety of levels and sectors.

Tellingly, education is more than a basic human right. It’s critical for expanding job and income prospects. It is beneficial to the person, the family, the community, and the country. Education is one way to accomplish long-term poverty reduction and change. As a result, every effort to effect long-term change must include some type of teaching. Providing students with a high-quality education reflects the reality that every child has inherent human rights and should be treated with respect. Poverty, violence, abuse, exploitation, and other unpleasant outcomes arise when children do not have access to education.

Unfortunately, for destitute or underprivileged households in Africa, obtaining a quality education is a Herculean task. The supportive environment has a significant impact on the quality of education that children get. This setting comprises books and school supplies, as well as necessary learning resources. A caring environment also involves constant financial assistance so that children may count on being able to attend school and complete their education. “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” John Dewey, Africa must not dilly dally as quality and obtainable education is sustaining the future of her land.

Ranking of the countries with the best education system in Africa 2023

Ab initio, Africa is home to 54 countries, but which African countries have the finest educational systems? A million dollar question that facts, results, and figures can help you decipher. Although the majority of African countries are regarded as developing, others are carving out a niche for themselves in terms of education. To identify the finest education systems based on skill development, the World Education Forum consulted 140 countries, including 38 African countries. The report’s criteria were the overall level of labor competence as well as the amount and quality of schooling in each nation. Digital literacy, interpersonal skills, and the capacity to think critically and creatively are all factors to consider. Let’s have a gander at this list-ranking.

1. Seychelles: It is the only African country in the top 50 education systems in the world, ranking 43rd ahead of Ukraine, Hungary, Russia, and the United Arab Emirates. It is ranked 28th in the world for Critical Thinking in Teaching and 34th for Graduate Skillset. Seychelles is the first and only African country to have fully accomplished UNESCO’s “education for all” aim.

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Seychelles is an archipelago island republic in the Indian Ocean with a population of 98,347 people. The country has a 95.87 percent literacy rate and is ranked 28th in the world for teaching and critical thinking. With 69.3 points, it also ranks top among African countries with the finest education. Education is obligatory until the age of 16, and then free until the age of 18. Uniforms must be purchased, although books and tuition are not. The gross primary enrolment rate was 114 per cent in 2002, while the net primary enrollment rate was 100 per cent. The gross and net enrolment ratios are calculated using the number of kids nominally registered in primary school and do not always represent actual school attendance. There are no statistics on primary school attendance in Seychelles. In 2002, 99 percent of pupils who began primary education were expected to complete the fifth grade. In 1993, in response to public criticism, the government removed the need for National Youth Service (NYS) participation as a prerequisite for admission to the Polytechnic. It did, however, actively urge students to finish NYS before starting employment at the age of eighteen. The University of Seychelles was founded on September 17, 2009. Currently, there are 175 students spread throughout two campuses. The main site is located in Anse Royale, and the School of Education’s second campus is located in Mont Fleuri.

2. Tunisia: Tunisian education is compulsory and free to all its citizens who are due for education up to the age at which he/she completes the secondary education. It has focused on its educational system and has invested 20 percent of its national budget into the educational sector. Tunisian educational system is the 71st among the best educational systems around the world with the rate of 61.40 per cent .

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Recently, Tunisian education is rated highly at different levels of education globally. For instance, it is rated the 51st best country in primary education system in the entire world, and rated the 49th best country in mathematics and science in different levels of education but according to the World Economic Forum, it is the 3rd in Mathematics and Science Education.

3. Mauritius: Education in Mauritius is compulsory until the student gets to the age of sixteen years old when he/she must have completed his/her secondary education. Mauritius has over a million population and its government offers free transport to all the students so as to encourage and support their movement to their education centers regularly.

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Mauritius is rated the 2nd best in mathematics and science educational system globally by the World Economic Forum. It is rated the 3rd best country in Africa with 61 points in the educational system. It is the 47th best country in vocational training because of the quality of training it provides for the citizens. Recently, Mauritius educational system is rated the 40th in staff training globally and its students are rated among the best students in Cambridge International Examinations worldwide.

4. South Africa: Recently, South African educational system is undergone some series of development and investment with an estimated expenditure of 18 per cent from the country’s budget in order to improve the country’s standard of education thereby making it competitive in the global educational system in different levels of education (basic or primary, secondary, and tertiary education).

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According to UNESCO, South Africa is rated the 4th best country in Africa in educational development with 58.4 points, 84th best country in Africa in terms of Global Education System, 55th best country in Africa in terms of educational staff trainings, 53rd best country in Africa in schooling generally and globally, and it has 94 per cent literacy rate.

5. Algeria: The Algerian government offers free education to its children and eligible citizens and makes it compulsory for all its citizens who have attained the age of six to fifteen. The Algerian government is so interested in the education of its citizens in that it enrolls them till their secondary education (that is halfway to higher education).

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Algeria is the second country in the Northern part of Africa with the best educational system. Recently, it is rated the 88th best country in the Global education system as well as the 65th best African country in terms of school life expectancy globally. It is also the 5th best in Africa with a literacy rate of 75 per cent and 57.4 points.

6. Botswana: Botswana is also rated the 92nd best country in the Global education system, the 76th best country in Africa in terms of school life expectancy as well as the 67th best country in Africa in educational staff training globally with a literacy rate of 88 per cent and a score of 56.7 points.

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These rates were achieved based on the country’s efforts in making education compulsory for its citizens who have attained the age interval of 4 to 18 thereby encouraging its citizens to attain education.

7. Kenya: Kenya is one of the countries located in the eastern part of Africa which has a high thirst and has put in efforts for educational growth and development and that is why it is rated the 95th best country in the Global education system with 78.7 per cent literacy rate. Kenyan Education is compulsory for its citizens who have attained the age interval of 6 to 17 years.

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Kenya is also rated the 43rd in digital skills globally, 21st in finding skilled employees globally, and a score of 55.4 points for its educational efforts. The Kenyan government invests in its educational sector with an estimated rate of 17.58 per cent of its budget according to different reports stated in the year 2017 which are still relevant today.

8. Cape Verde: Cape Verde is an island in the central Atlantic Ocean and one of the African countries to work on their educational system recently. Its government offers free education to the citizens who have attained the age of 12 years old and mandatory education for its citizens who have attained the age interval of 6 to 14 years.

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The country is rated with 80 per cent literacy rate, 8th best African country in terms of educational system, 533 points plus 71st on finding skilled employees, and 53rd best country in teaching and critical thinking globally.

9. Egypt: Recently, it is also rated the 99th best country by the Global education system with a 71 per cent literacy rate and 52.8 points. According to UNESCO, Egypt is the 70th best country in the world in terms of digital skills and its government offers compulsory and free education to Egyptians who have attained the age of six to 15 years as it looks forward to making education in the secondary level compulsory to its citizens.

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10. Namibia: Namibian educational system is rated 52.7 per cent and 88.2 per cent in terms of critical thinking and teaching. It is the 82nd and 43rd best country in educational staff training globally and also the 100th best in the Global Education System and that shows its effectiveness in the educational sector.

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The Namibian government funds education for its citizens who have attained the age interval of 6 to 16 years old and recently, their government still plans to extend and offer the citizens the best educational systems and infrastructures.

11. Nigeria: Nigerian educational system is divided into different sectors which include: basic or primary, secondary, and tertiary education and its educational system has attracted international students that helped in growing their education. Recently, the country is rated 124th best in the educational system ranking globally and the 11th best in Africa.

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12. Ghana: Ghanian education has been rated 104th globally and the12th best in Africa with a literacy rate of 79.04 per cent among the citizens who have attained the age of 15 years and above who can also understand, read, and write. Ghanaian education system is divided into: basic or primary, secondary, and tertiary education as basic education is free and compulsory to children who have attained the age interval of 4 to 15 years.

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However, the free and compulsory education offer lasts up to 12 years old. Recently, the Ghanaian education system, especially the university level, is very competitive in the different work fields such as: law, business, pharmacy, engineering, and medicine and this has helped the country to stand out and has led to the standard of its educational system.

13. Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe’s literacy rate is 83.58 per cent as its educational system mandates seven years as the urban primary schools teach in English before joining secondary school.

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However, the Zimbabwean educational system uses two primary languages which are: Shona and Ndebele English.

14. Rwanda: Recently, Rwanda’s literacy rate is 73.22 per cent and it is rated the 128th best in the world as the country with the best education as its educational system runs on a 6-3-3-4 system that includes Primary school that lasts for 6 years, the junior secondary takes 3 years, the secondary level takes 3 years, and the high level (University) takes 4 years.


As part of the government’s policy to improve school enrollment and attendance of deprived children, Rwanda introduced free education to provide more equitable educational opportunities for its citizens.

15. Malawi: Malawian educational system is rated the 148th globally with a literacy rate of 65.75 per cent as its first eight years of education are compulsory and the first four years of teaching are done in the country’s local language and shifts the foreign language (English) to balance its educational system.

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Education is an indispensable industry and cannot be done without in any way. This industry must be established for Africa to catch up to other industrialised countries. The issues have been examined, as well as potential remedies. The government and citizenry should work together to promote Africa’s education department.

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