
APPLY: 2023 Africa Internet Governance Forum for young Africans

The African Internet Governance Forum Secreteriat is thrilled to extend a warm invitation to all passionate African youths to participate in the highly anticipated Africa Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2023, set to take place at the prestigious Transcorp Hilton in Abuja.
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Africa Internet Governance Forum – The African Internet Governance Forum Secreteriat is thrilled to extend a warm invitation to all passionate African youths to participate in the highly anticipated Africa Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2023, set to take place at the prestigious Transcorp Hilton in Abuja.

As we prepare for this momentous event, we are excited to announce the Call for Travel Support, aimed at fostering inclusive participation and enabling aspiring attendees to contribute actively to the future of Internet governance in Africa.

We strongly believe the Africa IGF should be a space where all voices are heard, especially those of the continent’s vibrant youth. To this end, we are pleased to announce the Call for Travel Support to facilitate the participation of deserving Youths who might face financial constraints in attending the event.

The success of this initiative relies on the support and contributions of generous organizations and individuals. We extend our gratitude to the partnering organizations of the Africa IGF 2023, who have dedicated their resources to empowering African youths and stakeholders.

As we eagerly anticipate the Africa IGF 2023 in Abuja, we call upon all passionate youths to seize this opportunity to actively shape the digital future of Africa. By participating in the forum, you will join a community of visionary leaders committed to creating a sustainable and prosperous digital landscape for the continent.

To be considered for the IMES, you must:

Applicants must be African residents.
Applicant must be a youth ( Persons between the ages of 15 and 35 years )
Demonstrated interest in Internet governance, policy, or related fields.
Clear explanation of how attending the Africa IGF will benefit both the applicant and the continent.
Willingness to cover visa expenses independently.

Support Levels: We are pleased to offer two types of travel support:

Full Support: This comprehensive support package includes travel, accommodation, and local transportation.
Partial Support: This support package covers either travel or accommodation.

Application procedure and deadline 

Applications can be completed through the online portal.  Application deadline is August 7th, 2023.


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