
APPLY: ClimateScience Olympiad Competition 2023

ClimateScience is a science-based organisation for people wanting to learn how to take better climate action
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The 2023 ClimateScience Olympiad Competition is open for registration. ClimateScience is a science-based organisation for people wanting to learn how to take better climate action. ClimateScience Olympiad is a fully funded global charity providing educational resources on solutions to climate change to people worldwide. This international competition will be held to find solutions for climate change.

ClimateScience is a UK-based charity foundation focusing on climate solutions. It has reached over 1 million audiences globally through multiple educational initiatives. The goal of ClimateScience is to find solutions to sustainable development goals. To work for the initiative of a solution to climate change is important because, from more severe weather to increasing food prices, to recreation and reduced opportunities to relish the natural world, people everywhere will feel its effects. Reducing our carbon footprint is essential to create a world where people and nature thrive. 

This organisation is working to teach people about the effect of climate change on our environment and how we can deal with it. In the 2022 olympiad, more than 55,000 students participated from over 190 countries. 

Eligibility criteria

  • Candidates can be of age between 12-25 years old.
  • Candidates can compete in teams of two or on their own.
  • The organisation’s employee, officer or agent, or employee’s officer or agent of any person or organisation involved in the running of the Olympiad or their relatives up to the second degree cannot apply.
  • If the candidate is a minor, they must get legal guardian’s approval before registering for the Olympiad.
  • Candidates must know one of the following 12 languages: English, French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, German, Romanian, Dutch and Polish.


Olympiad for international students is a fully funded competition; therefore, all costs related to the ClimateScience Olympiad will be covered.

  • The Olympiad is free to enter for everyone.
  • The candidates will be given prize money:
  • The first winner wins $5,000
  • The second winner wins $3,000
  • The third winner wins $2,000
  • Participants ranked 4th through 7th wins $1000 each and 8th through 10th take home $500.
  • Winners can speak at the Award Ceremony conducted at COP28.

How to apply and application deadline

The application process is online and can be completed through the application portal. The deadline for the ClimateScience Olympiad is June 10, 2023.

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