
APPLY: University of Montreal 2023 Scholarship Programme for int’l students

The goal of this new programme is to help the best talent from around the world attend one of the finest francophone research universities in the world. In turn, these international students will help fulfil our educational mission by enriching the cultural diversity of the Université de Montréal community.
Bachelor's to PhD
Photo credit: VDEh-Betriebsforschungsinstitut
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The University of Montreal is open to receiving applications for its scholarship programme for international students.

The goal of this new programme is to help the best talent from around the world attend one of the finest francophone research universities in the world. In turn, these international students will help fulfil our educational mission by enriching the cultural diversity of the Université de Montréal community.

The UdeM exemption scholarship programme is designed to support international candidates in their university studies. Starting in the fall of 2020, they could benefit from an exemption from the tuition fees normally charged to international students. The granting of scholarships continues for the winter 2023, summer 2023, fall 2023 and winter 2024 sessions.

Eligibility criteria

  • Must be an international student.
  • You must hold a study permit and are neither a permanent resident of Canada nor hold Canadian citizenship.
  • Applicants must be enrolled full-time in a study program throughout their studies at the Université de Montréal.



  • Level A: $12,951.76 per year (2 sessions, equivalent to 30 credits) or $6,475.88 per session (15 credits) or $431.73 per credit
  • Level B: $6,172.60 per year (2 sessions, equivalent to 30 credits) or $3,086.30 per session (15 credits) or $205.75 per credit
  • Level C: $2,159.15 per year (2 sessions, equivalent to 30 credits) or $1,079.57 per session (15 credits) or $71.97 per credit


  • Non-research : $10,046.35 per year (3 sessions, equivalent to 45 credits) or $3,348.78 per session (equivalent to 15 credits) or $223.25 per credit
  • Research : $10,169.68 per year (3 sessions, equivalent to 45 credits) or $3,389.89 per session (equivalent to 15 credits) or $225.99 per credit


  • $21,593.35 per year (3 sessions, equivalent to 45 credits) or $7,197.78 per session (equivalent to 15 credits) or $479.85 per credit

Documents required 

  • National Identity Card or Passport
  • Official academic transcripts
  • Updated CV
  • One or more letters of recommendation
  • One Motivation Letter for Scholarship
  • English Language Proficiency

Application procedure and deadline 

Suitably qualified candidates should visit the official website for more information on how to apply. Application deadline is Sep 1, 2023.

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