
Bowen University closed indefinitely following students’ riot

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The management of Bowen University this morning closed the school indefinitely following students’ protest last night. Students of the private uni. say they are protesting scarcity of electricity, water and plans by the university to increase school fees. The students say they are not being treated right

“They take the light by 8am, and bring it back by 8pm and it goes off by 11pm again. We don’t have water, no socket light, while our lecturers are in AC offices and cars. We have time table for eating. 7-9am for breakfast, 12-3 for lunch and 6-8 for dinner. Most times we have classes during these periods” one student told me.

All students have been asked to leave the university…while some students who were detained last night after the riot are yet to be released.

Remember there was riot at Bowen University Iwo in Osun State last night. I really don’t have all the details but according to what some students told me, the riot was over what they say is lack of basic amenities like water and light as well as what they term ‘unnecessary rules & regulations’ being made by school management, plus plans to increase their school fees.

The boys destroyed school property, vehicles and vandalized their chaplain’s home. While the students were on rampage, the school security personnel fled but the police was eventually called in to calm things down

“Bowenites live by rules, sleep by rules, and eat by rules, but not anymore” one student said.

Bowen University is a private university owned and operated by the Nigerian Baptist Convention

Pictures of the riot below:

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9 years ago

Bowen University 2015/2016 Post Utme Result Out.

9 years ago

Bowen University 2015/2016 Post Utme Result Out.

6 years ago

Did you ever try to get the other side of the story from the school Management before publication?

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