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From Devastation to Determination: David Ojo’s Inspiring Academic Comeback

David Ojo’s academic journey is a powerful tale of resilience and determination.
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David Ojo’s academic journey is a powerful tale of resilience and determination. After receiving disappointing results, David felt devastated and sought solace to process his emotions. Motivated by a desire to succeed for himself and honor his parents’ sacrifices, he used the COVID-19 lockdown to reflect and strategize. Returning to school with renewed focus, he achieved a remarkable 4.17/5 GPA in his 200 Level second semester.

David’s success is attributed to smart studying, consistent effort, and unwavering support from his family and friends. His story highlights the importance of perseverance, intentionality, and seeking help when needed. With faith as his anchor, David transformed his setbacks into a springboard for success, living by the mantra: “If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well.”

Can you describe the emotions you experienced when you received your first set of results and realized you hadn’t met the expectations set by your family and yourself?

I was devastated, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I remember going to a quiet place alone just to think.

What motivated you to persevere despite the initial setbacks and disappointments in your academic journey?

I wanted to do well for myself. I couldn’t let my Parents down too, they struggled to get everything I needed even when it wasn’t convenient. I remember a day we went to shop because I was going to school and I saw how my Dad helped me pack everything we bought together inside a sack, I told myself that I couldn’t let them down.

How did you manage to shift your mindset from feeling cursed by your results to feeling determined to succeed?

Covid Lockdown. After my 200 Level first semester exams, Covid started and everyone had to stay home. For me, I stayed home for 9 months so I had enough time to reflect. When I resumed back to school in January of 2021, I knew something had changed.

Could you share some specific strategies or study habits you adopted that contributed to your improvement in later semesters?

Hardwork is key. However, studying smart too is key. I didn’t leave any stone unturned, I studied with Past questions (If a lecturer has taken a course consecutively for years, Predicting his/her mind is mostly easy), Attending classes too is very important even when it looks like a waste of time.

You mentioned a pivotal moment when you achieved a 4.17/5 in your 200 Level second semester. Can you walk us through how you felt when you saw that result and realized your hard work was paying off?

I was so happy, it felt like a dream. I checked that result every minute. But I knew it was a call to do more.

How did the support of your family, friends, and colleagues, particularly Samuel Oyelakin and Opeyemi Olaniyan, impact your journey and your ability to keep pushing forward?

I have the best family, they never stopped believing in me even when I was low, they encouraged me everytime. Samuel is my Friend, Coursemate and reading partner. We basically did everything academics together. Opeyemi is a senior colleague. He was a mentor. He told me things and encouraged me.

What advice would you give to students who are struggling with a low CGPA and are feeling discouraged about their academic prospects?

It can always get better. Improvement will only come when a person is intentional and Consistent. Nothing beats consistency.
Make Friends, network, volunteer and ask questions.
Contrary to what many think, most lecturers are approachable. Approach them when you are going through anything academically.

Looking back, what do you think was the most significant factor in your eventual success in raising your CGPA to a level you’re proud of?

God! Unapologetically

Can you share any moments of doubt or low points you experienced during your academic journey, and how you overcame them?

Before I got my 200 Level first semester result, I thought I was going to do so well. After collecting, it was very bad! Infact, I initially failed a course. I cried on the phone during a call with my Parents, I remember crying when I was trying to explain the situation to a Cousin. It was the last time I cried over a result.

How has this journey shaped your perspective on success and achievement, both academically and personally?

I have come to realize that Success is addictive. Once you taste success, you will always want it. I now live by the quote “If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well”

Describe yourself and your background?

I would describe myself as dedicated. I wasn’t born with it but I grew with it. Growing up, I was a brilliant champ, I was the best student in Primary school. I got into a competitive secondary school (It’s a Popular school in Ibadan), and I started performing averagely, I had it rough all through secondary school. I didn’t like reading, My Dad would sit and read with me even till SS2. But thank God, I wrote WAEC and JAMB at once.

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