
Africa's Education News Source

FUNAAB Launches Tomato Sales Initiative to Combat Food Price Surge

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The Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB), has embarked on a new initiative to sell tomatoes directly to the public. Starting today, June 24, 2024, at 10 a.m., FUNAAB began its tomato sales at the rear of the FUNAAB Staff School. This initiative aims to provide affordable tomatoes to the local community amidst rising food costs.

Mrs. Sotayo, overseeing the tomato sales initiative, emphasized the university’s commitment to supporting the community during these challenging times. “We understand the hardships caused by the recent increase in food prices,” Mrs. Sotayo stated. “By selling tomatoes from our own farms, we hope to contribute to stabilizing prices and ensuring that essential food items remain accessible to all.”

The initiative has garnered positive feedback from both students and local residents. Many have praised FUNAAB for its proactive approach in utilizing its agricultural resources to benefit the community. “It’s reassuring to see FUNAAB taking steps to help us during these tough economic times,” remarked one student. “Not only are they providing affordable tomatoes, but they are also showcasing the university’s commitment to practical solutions in agriculture,” added a local resident who visited the sale.

The tomato sales at FUNAAB are set to continue, offering a steady supply of fresh produce to the public. For those interested in participating or seeking further details, Mrs. Sotayo can be contacted directly at 07062189440.

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