
FUOYE: SUG reacts to transportation challenges

FUOYE SUG acknowledges students’ challenges due to the school management’s decision to relocate the park and business centres to a far distance.
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The Students’ Union Government of Federal University Oye-Ekiti, Ekiti state (FUOYE) has reacted to the transportation challenges experienced by the students of FUOYE.

This is as a result of the fuel hike in the country and the decision of the school management to relocate the park and business centres to a far distance which is not convenient for students.

In a memo recently released, the union said: “Dear Fuoyeites,

Our attention has been drawn to a series of complaints by our members regarding the inconveniences of boarding buses and getting items, due to the recent relocation of the park and business centres.

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“We are currently making deliberations with the school management to this effect, and we are hoping for positive results in these complaints.

“Also, concerning the prices of transportation to various locations. We have had several meetings with the transporters, but the agreement has always been breached by the transporters. We’ll be giving them a warning to amend the prices,failure to do so we would consider the third “C” of ALUTA.

“Kindly be patient as we are tirelessly working on a permanent reduction of the prices.”

By: Precious Onajobi

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