
Network, economic challenges lead to extension of BECE registration deadline in Lagos

The Lagos State Examinations Board issued a statement on Thursday, citing the current economic realities and the network problem as contributing factors to the extension.
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The Lagos Ministry of Education has announced an extension of the deadline for payment and registration for the 2023 Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) from April 14 to April 28, due to network and economic challenges encountered by schools.

The Lagos State Examinations Board issued a statement on Thursday, citing the current economic realities and the network problem as contributing factors to the extension. Additionally, the Central Bank of Nigeria’s cashless policy has made the processes more cumbersome for most schools.

The examinations board expressed that this extension would enable most approved private and special schools in Lagos yet to register their candidates to do so.

The board did not want to deny any schools or candidates the opportunity to participate in the examination. Therefore, it implores all affected schools to utilise this extension and register their candidates on or before the new deadline, as excuses will not be entertained after the expiration of the new date.

This extension will likely provide relief for schools experiencing challenges in the registration process. It is a positive move from the Lagos Ministry of Education as it will allow more students to participate in the BECE. It is expected that schools will take advantage of the extension and complete the registration process within the new deadline.

The Lagos State Examinations Board’s decision will likely enable a more seamless and successful BECE registration process for both schools and students in Lagos.

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