
Nigerian University Bans Students from Using Smartphones

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The management of Bingham University in Nasarawa state has banned the use of smartphones among students of the institution.

The ban was announced in a memo dated January 18 and signed by Esther Dyaji, the registrar of the institution.
The memo of the smartphones ban by Bingham University

According to the memo, the ban followed “repeated abuse” of smartphones by students which is against the institution’s rules.

The memo said the ban takes immediate effect, adding that violators will be sanctioned.

“Following repeated abuse in the use of smartphones in contravention of section 5.14 subsection I, II and III of the students’ handbook, the use of smartphones is hereby prohibited with immediate effect,” the memo reads.

“Violators of this would have their phones confiscated and face appropriate sanction.”

bingham letter
The memo

To confirm the memo, The school said: “Yes we have banned smartphones. However, we allow the use of laptops”

Bingham University is located in Karu, 25 kilometres from the federal capital territory (FCT), and was established in 2005 by the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) as a conventional varsity.

It is one of the six private universities in the north and the only one established by a Christian organisation.

Source: The Cable

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