
NYU Stern launches Climate Economics Journalism Fellowship 2024

The NYU Stern School of Business has announced the opening of applications for the Climate Economics Journalism Fellowship 2024, a fully-funded program aimed at empowering journalists
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The NYU Stern School of Business has announced the opening of applications for the Climate Economics Journalism Fellowship 2024, a fully-funded program aimed at empowering journalists to better understand and cover the complex intersection of climate change and economics.

The fellowship, set to take place at NYU Stern’s Greenwich Village campus in New York City, will immerse participants in the latest developments in climate economics and finance.

Journalists, whether they are reporters, editors, or freelancers—should have a demonstrated interest in covering the intersection of climate and the economy. Although some aspects of the fellowship focus on U.S. policies and institutions, the program welcomes applicants from around the globe.

Application process:
Applicants must submit a letter of motivation explaining their expectations for the fellowship, a curriculum vitae, and three examples of climate-related stories they have written or produced. All documents/ prove should be sent here

It will impact journalist’s ability to communicate these crucial issues to a wider audience. Participants will gain insights from leading scholars and experts, enhancing their skills and networks within this specialized field.

Application deadline: May 31, 2024

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