
Primary school pupils march against drug abuse in Lagos

The young campaigners, spanning nursery to primary levels, chanted resolutely, proclaiming their unwavering stance against these societal ills such as drug abuse,drug trafficking, and rape.
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In a remarkable display of unity and determination, the pupils of Children’s Way Nursery and Primary School, located in the vibrant Fadeyi Community, took to the streets today to advocate for the eradication of drug abuse, drug trafficking, and the heinous crime of rape.

The young campaigners, spanning nursery to primary levels, chanted resolutely, proclaiming their unwavering stance against these societal ills.

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The pupils of Children’s Way Nursery & Primary, Fadeyi, Lagos holding placards ahead of the campaign.

Undertaking a campaign of this magnitude, the Children’s Way Nursery and Primary School set a new precedent in their commitment to raising awareness about the dangers of drug misuse and abuse, as well as the critical issue of child rape within their community. As stated by one of the teachers, this initiative reflects their unwavering dedication to nurturing responsible and informed citizens.

Olatidoye Gift, pupil at the school, shared with Edugist reporter the motivation behind the walk and awareness campaign, highlighting the importance of educating everyone about the perils associated with drug abuse, trafficking, and rape. Gift emphasised that their objective was to convey a powerful message that drug abuse is detrimental, just as rape and drug trafficking are. The aim is to foster a community where the well-being and safety of children are paramount.

Among the passionate participants was Alli Jamal, a pupil of the school, who eloquently defined drug abuse as the misuse of substances, emphasising the grave consequences that arise from using drugs without the guidance of medical professionals. These young campaigners demonstrated a keen understanding of the issues at hand and their determination to combat them.

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Pupils of Children’s Way Nursery & Primary School

The spirited procession, led by the enthusiastic pupils, meandered through the bustling streets of Lagos, capturing the attention and admiration of onlookers. Their harmonious chants echoed through the air, conveying a powerful message that resonated with the hearts and minds of all who witnessed their inspiring display.

Through their vibrant campaign, the pupils of Children’s Way Nursery and Primary School strive to instill a deep sense of responsibility and awareness within the Fadeyi Community. Their efforts serve as a resounding call to action, encouraging citizens to unite in the fight against drug abuse, drug trafficking, and child rape. By amplifying the voices of these young advocates, a wave of change is set in motion, paving the way for a safer, more compassionate society.

This remarkable event stands as a testament to the enduring spirit and unwavering determination of the children, teachers, and staff of Children’s Way Nursery and Primary School. With their resolute commitment to creating a better future, they serve as beacons of hope, inspiring us all to take a stand against the pressing issues that plague our communities.

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The pupils of Children’s Way Nursery & Primary, Fadeyi, Lagos campaigning against drug abuse.

As the vibrant city of Lagos basks in the wake of this impactful awareness campaign, the resounding message from these young champions remains crystal clear: say no to drug abuse, drug trafficking, and rape. Together, let us join hands and empower the voices of the future, shaping a world where every child can flourish, unburdened by the shadow of these societal evils.

Read also: SPECIAL REPORT: Student dies from drug abuse, two others in coma

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