
UDUS: CJID to train students on journalism

Interested applicants are expected to write and submit a 100-word article on ‘The importance of the press in Democracy’ as part of the eligibility requirement.
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The Centre for Journalism Innovation Innovation and Development (CJID), has set to organise a four-day journalism training for
mass communication students and campus journalists in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto (UDUS).

According to flier released by the organization on Thursday, 28th September, The program is scheduled for Monday,16th October to Thursday, 19th October 2023.

Interested applicants are expected to write and submit a 100-word article on ‘The importance of the press in Democracy’ as part of the eligibility requirement. The deadline for the application slated for Thursday, 5th October.

The selected students would benefit from the knowledge of professional media practitioners from leading media organizations in Nigeria. As part of the benefit, certificate for participation, stipend, a tea break and lunch provided, post-training membership, and access to publish stories on the Campus Reporter website are perks for the event.

While speaking with The News Digest Press, the president of the National Association of Campus Journalists, UDUS chapter, Abdulwasiu Olokooba, said the training is aimed at building the capacities of the students on the field of journalism.

“We aim to train our members on the fundamental arrangements of journalism. Also to open their eyes to the public apart from campus journalism. ”

“There is an opportunity for participants to write a pitch for CJID, and a grant will follow upon the approval of the pitch.”

“As a president, I feel fulfilled. If I am not mistaken, it is more than three years that NACJ has been on the course to bring CJID to our campus, so I am glad this happened while I am still here and as the president. I understand the efforts we(NACJ as a team) made this a reality,”he added.

Formerly known as the Premium Times Centre for Investigative Journalism (PTCIJ),
The Centre for Journalism Innovation and Development (CJID) is a West African media innovation and development think (and do) tank with a vision of strengthening West Africa’s journalism sector to promote democratic accountability in the service of inclusive and sustainable development.

By Shereefdeen Ahmad

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