
UDUS introduces 28 new programmes

Thirteen out of the 28 are for undergraduates, while the remaining 15 are postgraduate courses.
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The management of Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto has introduced 28 new programmes to be assessed and approved by the National Universities Commission (NUC).

The programmes, according to a circular dated 13th September and signed by the school’s Director of Academic Planning, Dr. K.G Muhammad, are to be assessed on Monday, 25th September 2023.

Thirteen out of the 28 are for undergraduates, while the remaining 15 are postgraduate courses.

“Below is the list of Programmes for the National Universities Commission (NUC) Resources Assessment Visit Scheduled to commence on the 25th September for your information and the preparation towards the exercise,” the circular reads.

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The undergraduate programs include
BSc. Demography and Social Statistics, BSc. Criminology and Security studies, BSc. Cyber Security; BSc. Software engineering, BA. Shari’ah, BA. Quranic studies, BA. Hadith studies, D pharm. Doctor of Pharmacy.

Also, BSc. Taxation, BSc. Marketing, BSc. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, BSc. Industrial Relations and Human Resources Management, BSc. Local Government and Developmental Studies.

Meanwhile, PGD. MSc & PhD Nursing science, PGD. MSc & PhD Radiology, PGD. MSc & PhD public health, PGD. MSc & PhD pathology, PGD. MSc & Ph.D. Clinical and Pharmacology and Therapeutics are introduced for postgraduate programmes.

By Shereefdeen Ahmad

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9 months ago

I am very happy to see this information that this school started Bsc. in Cyber security

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