
UNILORIN student sets World Record in fastest five skin fade

Qudus accomplished this remarkable feat in an astonishing 14 minutes, 56 seconds, and 83 milliseconds, surpassing the previous record of 18 minutes and 57 seconds.
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The University of Ilorin, Nigeria, has once again made global headlines as Qudus Owoyemi, a 400-level student in the Department of Statistics, shattered the world record for the fastest five skin fade.
Qudus accomplished this remarkable feat in an astonishing 14 minutes, 56 seconds, and 83 milliseconds, surpassing the previous record of 18 minutes and 57 seconds.

Notably, Qudus is a distinguished scholar within the University, adding to the pride of the institution.

The University expresses immense pride in Qudus’s accomplishment and vows to continue fostering an environment that encourages students to identify their passions and pursue them fervently. Prior to the competition, a supportive message from the University administration was conveyed to Qudus, inspiring him to strive for greatness.

The successful outcome of this endeavour is a testament to the collaborative spirit and determination that permeates the University community.

As an institution committed to excellence, the University of Ilorin remains steadfast in its support of ambitious endeavors that have the potential to transcend conventional boundaries and even reach the realms of space exploration. This latest achievement serves as a reminder of the University’s dedication to nurturing talents that can leave an indelible mark on the global stage.

In extending congratulations to Qudus, the University hopes that his achievement becomes a source of inspiration for others to break through barriers and consistently elevate the institution’s reputation.

This success is not merely an individual triumph but a collective celebration for the entire University community. Indeed, congratulations are in order for us all as we continue to strive for excellence and push the boundaries of what is achievable.

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