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UTME 2024: How to approach multiple-choice questions

Test-takers must select the correct answer from the provided options. MCQs are commonly used in educational settings, standardized tests, and assessments across various subjects and disciplines due to their efficiency in evaluating a large amount of material in a short period of time and their ability to minimize subjectivity in grading.
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Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are a type of assessment format where test-takers are presented with a question or statement followed by a list of possible answers, usually referred to as options. Among these options, only one is correct, while the others are incorrect and are known as distractors. Test-takers must select the correct answer from the provided options. MCQs are commonly used in educational settings, standardized tests, and assessments across various subjects and disciplines due to their efficiency in evaluating a large amount of material in a short period of time and their ability to minimize subjectivity in grading.

1. Read Carefully: Read each question thoroughly, ensuring you understand what is being asked.

2. Analyze Choices:Evaluate each answer option before making a selection. Eliminate obviously incorrect choices.

3. Use Strategies: Look for clues within the questions or answers that can help you eliminate wrong options or identify correct ones, such as keywords, context, or patterns.

4. Eliminate Distractors: Rule out options that are clearly incorrect, narrowing down your choices and increasing the probability of selecting the correct answer.

5. Make an Educated Guess: If you’re unsure about an answer, use the process of elimination to make an educated guess. Consider which option seems most reasonable based on your understanding of the material.

6. Review: If time allows, go back and review your answers. Double-check for any mistakes or overlooked details.

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