
Rising from Hardship: Olóládé Josephine Oyebamiji’s Resolute Return to Education 

After losing her parents, she had to drop out of school to support herself and her brother.
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After losing her parents, she had to drop out of school to support herself and her brother. Despite the challenges of menial jobs and financial struggles, she found motivation to return to academia, recognising the importance of education for her future opportunities. Now, with provisional admission to NOUN and a positive outlook on her future, she is poised to pursue her academic goals with confidence. Her experiences have instilled in her valuable skills and resilience, which she believes will contribute to her success in her upcoming academic endeavours . Her advice to others contemplating a similar journey emphasises the importance of education as a pathway to personal and professional advancement. Olóládé Josephine Oyebamiji reveals this to Temitope Kareem in this interview. Excerpts

Can I meet you?

My name is Oyebamiji, Olóládé Josephine

What are the challenges you have faced in life?

One of the major challenges I faced happened when I lost my parents. It was tough, I had to start doing menial jobs to keep up and sustain myself and my brother.

Can you share with us the journey that led you to abandon your academic studies and stay at home for several years?

After the death of my parents, there was no one to take care of my brother and me All hopes are lost, there was no money to keep us in school. So, I had to drop out for my brother to continue his education.

What challenges did you face during this time away from academia, and how did you overcome them?

Having to fend for and provide basic amenities for myself was a challenge. I was able to overcome it by doing multiple jobs. I worked with different brands.

What inspired or motivated you to decide to return to school after such a long hiatus?

I have come to discover that education is essential for every individual. It gives one an edge. I have applied for some grants and jobs, but I was denied them due to a lack of adequate qualifications to pursue those careers. Hence, I decided that I was going to return to school and get a degree.

How do you envision your future now that you’ve made the decision to pursue your academic goals again?

I’ve always believed that the future is bright. With whatever degree I have or attain, I am very optimistic that it’s going to be a smooth journey.

What specific steps have you taken to prepare yourself for this return to academia?

I wrote the just concluded JAMB Examination. I also applied to NOUN, where I have been given provisional admission.

In what ways do you believe your experiences during your time away from school have prepared you for success in your upcoming academic endeavours?

I’ve been able to endure hardship, I’ve been able to work under pressure with less or no supervision. So, I believe that I can cope in any situation, both in this country and outside of it.

What was that one piece of advice that anyone has given you that changed your life?

One of my friends advised me to return to school and not mind my current situation. That encouraged me, hence the step I’m about to take.

Lastly, what message or advice would you give to others who may be contemplating a similar journey of returning to school after an extended break?

Education, they say, is the best legacy. I would advise anyone pursuing a career or even venturing into a business to get an education. It is an advantage!

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